Meghna Roy
Meghna Roy is a doctoral researcher working on the project 'Shrinking the Planet' at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo. She is exploring new middle-class subjectivities in India through an ethnography of psychotherapy at a training programme for therapists. She is interested in class and psychological anthropology. Her vision of psychotherapy is a reflexive process for the therapist who introspects her own identity and beliefs in the process of treating someone else.
Qualification: Mphil, Ma, Ba (Sociology), Area Of Expertise- Medical And Psychological Anthropology, I Am An Anthropologist-In-Training About To Conduct Fieldwork Among Therapists-In-Training At Christ University, Bangalore
Languages: English, Hindi, Bengali
Population: Adults And Young Adults
Queer Affirmative: Yes
Mode Of Operation: Online, Currently In Oslo; Fieldwork In Bengaluru
Offer Sliding Scale: No