Priyanka Mittal
Qualification: MPhil in Clinical Psychology (Nimhans)
My critical lens finds its way in my work right from how I speak to people and the moment someone gets in touch with me for therapy. So, maybe, I will just describe my initial interactions with people as an example here. Since I am by training a clinical psychologist, I do meet people who have held some diagnosis about their experiences. While I may feel differently about the diagnosis, I tend to keep the person's perspective on it central to the work as keeping agency with the person is crucial in my work. I tend to focus more on the meaning making of the diagnosis, of its impact on the person's life, what got them to reach out for therapy, how they see therapy as a useful engagement etc. I also tend to delineate their social location through conversations about their life. Very importantly, I tend to explore how they relate with these identities and in what ways have they been supportive/unsupportive in their life journeys. These may not be direct questions to the person by an understanding that I emerge with through questions about their life experiences. For instance, when you look back, what were some memories you attach to your school days...what makes them your fond memories? What about them leads to upset etc...  I feel that such an enquiry begins to develop and intersectional lens in the first instance and then it keeps building as the conversation carries on.
Experience: 12 years
Languages: Hindi / English
Mode of operation: Private practice, Noida (12 years)